First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Hospital Visitation

Are you or one of your loved ones entering the hospital or long-term care facility? One of our pastors would love to pray with you prior to undergoing surgery or procedure and/or visit with you during your stay in the hospital. You are an important part of our church family and our Pastoral Care team is here to support during this time.

Please complete the form below and a member of our pastoral care team will be in touch soon.  You can expect communication from a Pastor or our Care Coordinator within 48 hours or the next business day if a weekend request is made.

If this is unplanned or a critical health situation that requires immediate contact from a Pastor, please call our Care Ministry church line at 407-644-2906 .

Alternate Contact

Please provide name and phone numbers for family members who may be available while you are resting.